All account updates (orders, fills, balance, positions) are published in the "account" channel. To subscribe to the account channel, subscribe to "account@<your_profile_id>"
Example snapshot data
{'account_equity': 9881314.182111563,
'account_leverage': 0.007502797566563902,
'account_margin': 133.2836173611406,
'balance_operations': [{'amount': -741.7029193548386,
'id': 42495,
'ops_type': 'funding_pnl',
'profile_id': 6,
'timestamp': 5955736869168},
{'amount': -741.3926466101694,
'id': 42361,
'ops_type': 'funding_pnl',
'profile_id': 6,
'timestamp': 5952136870725}],
'cum_unrealized_pnl': 13342.5,
'fills': [{'fee': -14.1855,
'id': 46755,
'is_maker': False,
'liquidation': False,
'market_id': 'BTC-USD',
'order_id': 21368,
'price': 20265,
'profile_id': 6,
'side': 'long',
'size': 1,
'timestamp': 1665313199,
'trade_id': 46753},
{'fee': -14.1855,
'id': 46752,
'is_maker': False,
'liquidation': False,
'market_id': 'BTC-USD',
'order_id': 21367,
'price': 20265,
'profile_id': 6,
'side': 'long',
'size': 1,
'timestamp': 1665313156,
'trade_id': 46750},
{'fee': -14.1855,
'id': 46749,
'is_maker': False,
'liquidation': False,
'market_id': 'BTC-USD',
'order_id': 21366,
'price': 20265,
'profile_id': 6,
'side': 'long',
'size': 1,
'timestamp': 1665312659,
'trade_id': 46747}],
'health': 1,
'id': 6,
'orders': [{'created_at': 1665313396,
'id': 21370,
'initial_size': 1,
'last_action': 'limit',
'market_id': 'BTC-USD',
'price': 29000,
'profile_id': 6,
'reason': '',
'remaining_size': 1,
'side': 'short',
'status': 'open',
'total_filled_size': 0,
'type': 'limit',
'positions': [{'avg_entry_price': 20265,
'fair_price': 24712.5,
'id': 'pos-BTC-USD-tr-6',
'liquidation_price': 39349.51456310679,
'margin': 74137.5,
'market_id': 'BTC-USD',
'notional': 74137.5,
'profile_id': 6,
'side': 'long',
'size': 3,
'unrealized_pnl': 13342.5}],
'profile_type': '',
'status': 'active',
'tier': 0,
'total_notional': 74137.5,
'total_order_margin': 58000,
'total_position_margin': 74137.5,
'wallet': '0x8481cb01Ec35d43C116C3c272Fb026e6dD465e08',
'wallet_balance': 9867971.682111563,
'withdrawalable_balance': 9735834.182111563}
Last updated